Rökt ost i limpform

Smoked provola in the convenient size of 1,4 kg; ideal for the preparation of tasty sandwiches and delicious lasagna.
Produkt datablad - PDFPasteurized cow’s Milk , salt, rennet, milk enzymes. No preservatives.
Allergens: Milk and products thereof, lactose and milk proteins.
Energivärde | Kcal 288 – Kj 1196 |
Fett | g 22 |
varav mättade fettsyror | g 16 |
Kolhydrat | g 0,9 |
varav sockerarter | g 0,9 |
Protein | g 22 |
Salt | g 1,7 |
19,00 €*
Price for the Online Shop for individual customer. Contact us to receive the price reserved for Food Service.
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